How to convert a CDB library to an OA library

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Cadence Data Base format
Open Access format (now used in IC 6.1 and later)

To convert a CDB library to an OA library:

  1. First make sure that the DFII library is referenced in a cdb.lib file.
  2. Make a new directory for OA and cd to it.
  3. Next convert the technology library:

    cdb2oa -lib <techlib> -cdslibpath <path>
  4. Then convert the library of interest:

    cdb2oa -lib <library> -cdslibpath <path>

For example, to convert the NCSU_TechLib_ami06 tech library from IC 5 to IC 6.1 do the following:

  1. Create a temporary directory to work in and change to that directory.

    mkdir $HOME/tmp
    cd $HOME/tmp
  2. Create directories cdb and oa directories and change directory to the cdb directory.

    mkdir cdb
    mkdir oa
    cd cdb
  3. Create a cds.lib file for the old NCSU_TechLib_ami06 tech library.

    vi cds.lib

    Enter the following:

    DEFINE NCSU_TechLib_ami06 $CDS_SITE_CONFIG/CDK/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/lib/NCSU_TechLib_ami06
  4. Change directory to the oa directory. This can be done using a relative path.

    cd ../oa
  5. Execute cdb2oa to convert the tech library to the Open Access database format.

    cdb2oa -lib NCSU_TechLib_ami06 -cdslibpath ../cdb
  6. You should have a message that looks like this.

    Finished at:   Dec 13 19:45:39 2010
    80 cells and 80 cellviews were translated from library 'NCSU_TechLib_ami06' in 114.1s.