How to stream in a standard cell library

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This HOW-TO will describe how to stream in a standard cell library using the OSU standard cell library as an example.

To stream in the OSU standard cell library, do the following steps:

  1. In Virtuoso, select File → Import → Stream.
  2. Select the GDS file in the Stream File field.
  3. Choose a new or existing library for the Destination Library field.
  4. Attach the technology file (ex. NCSU_TechLib_ami06).
  5. Click the Load File button to load in the list of cells to pick from.
  6. Choose the top-level cell.
  7. Click on Options.
  8. Go to the Layers tab.
  9. Delete all of the layer mappings.
  10. Click Load File.
  11. Select the layer map file that corresponds to the GDS file.
  12. Click Ok.
  13. Click Translate to stream in and create the new library.